2 Seasons

A two-year program of Biblical Studies courses that teaches through the Bible daily, from Genesis to Revelation. Teaching and study are focused on seeing the Complete Portrait of the Messiah as depicted in all 66 books of the Bible. Based on the example in Acts 19, where Paul lectured in the Hall of Tyrannus daily for two years and all of Asia heard the message of the Lord, the ultimate goal of reviveSCHOOL is for communities to be transformed by the Word of God.

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  • The Gospels - Lesson 1

    Episode 1

    Why is the genealogy of Jesus important? Teacher Kyle Lance Martin gives insight into this question as he begins this New Testament series for Revive School - The Gospels.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 2

    Episode 2

    There are many lessons to be learned about our own worship from the example of the wise men in Matthew, chapter 2.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 3

    Episode 3

    Join Kyle Lance Martin as he expounds on the similarities and differences between King Jesus and forerunner John the Baptist.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 4

    Episode 4

    Find out how the temptations of Jesus not only make Him relatable to us, but also give us hope when we are tempted.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 5

    Episode 5

    Jesus delivers the Sermon on the Mount. See how Jesus did not destroy the law but fulfilled it.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 6

    Episode 6

    Is money good or bad? How do we store up treasures in heaven? Listen as Kyle finds the answers to these and other questions in Matthew, chapter 6.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 7

    Episode 7

    Two gates and two paths, two trees, two claims, and two builders – learn the significance of the choices we make everyday and how they effect eternity.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 8

    Episode 8

    Jesus has a surprising interaction with a centurion. What can we learn from the centurion that applies to our lives?

  • The Gospels - Lesson 9

    Episode 9

    Jesus combats the spirit of religion when not only the Pharisees, but also the disciples of John the Baptist question his ways.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 10

    Episode 10

    Jesus sends out his 12 disciples with authority and specific instructions for proclaiming the Kingdom of Heaven.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 11

    Episode 11

    When John the Baptist's disciples question Jesus, Jesus addresses their concerns not with words, but with evidence of his Messiahship.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 12

    Episode 12

    Kyle Lance Martin unpacks the comparisons between Jonah and Jesus referenced in Matthew, chapter 12.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 13

    Episode 13

    Jesus’ teaching in parables and mysteries fulfills prophecies. Learn how we are to be managers of these mysteries and the blessing that comes with understanding.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 14

    Episode 14

    Jesus walks on the water. What can we learn through the disciples struggle in the storm and reaction to Jesus?

  • The Gospels - Lesson 15

    Episode 15

    Jesus declares all foods clean and emphasizes the importance of moral cleanliness over outward ritual and religion.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 16

    Episode 16

    How do we take up our crosses to follow Jesus?

  • The Gospels - Lesson 17

    Episode 17

    Join Kyle Lance Martin as he discusses the significance of the Transfiguration of Jesus.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 18

    Episode 18

    Guest teacher, Pastor Gordon Henke, unveils Kingdom principles found in Matthew, chapter 18.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 19

    Episode 19

    Kyle Lance Martin expounds on the story of the rich young ruler and the disciples’ response in verses 16-30.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 20

    Episode 20

    Pastor Tom Schiefer, discusses what “greatness” in the kingdom of heaven looks like and the cost of being a servant.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 21

    Episode 21

    Kyle Lance Martin equates the story of the disciples following Jesus’ instructions to our ability to listen to and obey the Holy Spirit.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 22

    Episode 22

    Pastor Gordon Henke, expounds on Kingdom boundaries and their relationship to our understanding of Kingdom authority.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 23

    Episode 23

    Join guest teacher, Pastor Tom Schiefer as he compares the blessings of Jesus found in Matthew, chapter 5, with the woes of Jesus found in Matthew 23.

  • The Gospels - Lesson 24

    Episode 24

    Join Kyle Lance Martin for a discussion about the end times as he unfolds what Jesus told the disciples in Matthew, chapter 24.