Recovery Strategies for Life

Recovery Strategies for Life

3 Seasons

Recovery Strategies for Life Full Description

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Recovery Strategies for Life
  • Do you understand healthy grounding and processing? - S3E1

    Episode 1

    Do you understand healthy grounding and processing? Paula, Ginny, and Evonna discuss the ways to stabilize during a trigger and how to process in a healthy way.

  • Do we ever need shame? - S3E2

    Episode 2

    Do we ever need shame? Paula, Ginny, and Evonna discuss that God created us without shame so we can live a life free of shame regardless of our pasts.

  • Do you know what triggers, flashbacks and dissociation are? - S3E3

    Episode 3

    Do you know what triggers, flashbacks and dissociation are? Paula, Ginny and Evonna discuss those terms and help you identify them in your
    own story.

  • Have you ever been passive or passive aggressive? - S3E4

    Episode 4

    Have you ever been passive or passive aggressive? Paula, Ginny and Evonna discuss how being passive and deflecting can keep you from healing.

  • What is self pity? - S3E5

    Episode 5

    What is self pity? Paula, Ginny and Evonna help you understand and identify a victim mentality and discuss how to change.

  • What are compulsive behaviors? - S3E6

    Episode 6

    What are compulsive behaviors? Paula, Ginny and Evonna identify cravings, obsessions and the resulting addictions to help us choose sobriety.

  • What is coveting? - S3E7

    Episode 7

    What is coveting? Paula, Ginny and Evonna discuss how envy, jealousy and pride interfere with freedom and healing.

  • What is bitterness?- S3E8

    Episode 8

    What is bitterness? Paula, Ginny and Evonna discuss how forgiveness frees us from the toxic damage of anger and bitterness.

  • What is stress? - S3E9

    Episode 9

    What is stress? Paula, Ginny and Evonna discuss how fear, stress and anxiety cause torment, but freedom is available in Christ.

  • What is accusation? - S3E10

    Episode 10

    What is accusation? Paula, Ginny and Evonna discuss how the enemy falsely accuses us and then blocks our understanding of truth.