In 2015, Matt and his crew started the arduous three year journey of making their first feature film, a faith-based zombie thriller, The Red Resurrection, that went on to win more than 20 awards worldwide.
Up Next in Season 1
Faith On Film - Hannah Ratnam
Hannah Ratnam is a fourth-generation Christian born and raised in Pakistan. Inspired by the many miracles she has experienced, her goal has become to share God’s voice through film and any other medium that God can use.
Faith On Film - Gary Moore
Gary grew up on stage in Chicago and got the acting bug at a very young age. Although Gary has hosted an international TV show called The Help at Home Live Show for seven years, his real love is film work.
Faith On Film - Mona Hennien
With over 30 years of experience in producing television programs, she has worked with numerous networks including PBS, ABC, FOX, NBC, CBS, ESPN, and PAX. In 2006 she started her own company, Life Focus Communications, producing programming that reflects God's goodness, telling real stories to sh...