Southern Baptist Convention
SBC16 Preachers' Conference | Byron McWilliams
Season 5, Episode 11
Byron McWilliams is the lead pastor of First Baptist Church in Odessa, Texas. He serves as a trustee of the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention and is a two-term past president of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. A lifelong learner, Byron has earned an undergraduate and two advanced degrees. Before being called to ministry, he worked as an accountant for one of the largest oil companies in the world in Houston, Texas. He has been married to his high school sweetheart, Andi, for 31 years and they have three grown children.
Up Next in 2016
SBC16 Preachers' Conference | James M...
Originally from London in Ontario, Canada, James MacDonald was called by the Lord Jesus Christ to preach His Word, the Bible, in March of 1978, while participating in a ministry “competition” on Word of Life Island, in Schroon Lake, New York. Soon after, he began preaching in student ministry con...
SBC16 | 1- Opening Worship, Welcome, ...
SBC16 | 2 - Scripture and Prayer