A Date With Destiny
A Date With Destiny is created to give spiritually lost humanity a clear presentation of the life-changing message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Learn more at https://winsoulsforjesus.org
Don't Presume on the Grace of God
Many "professing Christians" mistakenly believe that they can "sin frivolously" without the judgment of God on their life!
Who Is Your Enemy?
If you belong to Christ, the devil is your chief enemy.
When God Says, "I've Had Enough"
This nation has gone sex crazy! The living God of heaven and earth is not pleased!
America! You Are Testing God's Patience!
The proliferation of sin in America is putrefying!
Samson's Downfall
If you do not think that sexual immorality will destroy your life, you're badly mistaken!
The World's Perverted View of Sex
God's design for sex is for one man to be married to one woman.
Same Sex Marriage?
The living God has not changed His mind about a man being married to a woman, nor will He ever do so!
Should You Repent? Yes, King David Did!
Sexual sin is very serious, but so is repentance!
Can You Be Restored After Sexual Sin?
Almighty God will never turn His back on a sinner who repents!
Watch King Saul Fall
When a leader "falls into sin," everyone in their sphere of influence is effected!
So, You Want to Be a Millionaire?
When God said that we're not to place any gods before Him, He meant it!
The Wayward Son
You can run from your Heavenly Father, but you cannot hide! He is already "there" because He loves you so very much!
It's Harvest Time
The law of the harvest is universal, meaning it applies to the Christian as well as to the non-Christian. You reap what you sow. You reap later than you sow. And you reap more than you sow.
The Two Roads of Life
Life is full of choices. You can travel the broad road that leads to death (hell), or the narrow road that leads to life (heaven).
The Giant Slayer Was First a Shepherd
God's ideal leader is the polar opposite of man's leader.
The Importance of Being Born Again
The Lord Jesus made it very clear to a religious leader that if he desired to go to Heaven he must be Born Again!
Don't Do It!
Don't Do It! Please DO NOT reject Jesus! A literal burning hell awaits you!
Born to Die
Jesus came to this world to be our Savior.
Are You Looking for Jesus?
Simeon was!
Reach for More in '24
Let all the bad things that have happened to you in 2023 be in the past forever!
Don't Wait Too Late!
Do you know without a shadow of doubt, that you are ready to stand before the Lord to give an accounting of your life?
Do You Have the Love of Christ in Your Heart?
How can you be a true Born Again follower of the Lord Jesus and not possess the great love that He has in His own heart?
Do You Enjoy the Party Life?
If the Lord Jesus returns today, will He find you in a drunken stupor?
Only a Few Is Heaven for You?
Dice it and slice it any way that you desire! You will never enter Heaven if you have not been Born Again!